Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Linux System Info commands

arch show architecture of machine(1)
uname -m show architecture of machine(2)
uname -r show used kernel version
dmidecode -q show hardware system components - (SMBIOS / DMI)
hdparm -i /dev/hda displays the characteristics of a hard-disk
hdparm -tT /dev/sda perform test reading on a hard-disk
cat /proc/cpuinfo show information CPU info
cat /proc/interrupts show interrupts
cat /proc/meminfo verify memory use
cat /proc/swaps show file(s) swap
cat /proc/version show version of the kernel
cat /proc/net/dev show network adpters and statistics
cat /proc/mounts show mounted file system(s)
lspci -tv display PCI devices
lsusb -tv show USB devices
date show system date
cal 2007 show the timetable of 2007
date 041217002007.00 set date and time - MonthDayhoursMinutesYear.Seconds
clock -w
save date changes on BIOS

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