1 SAP R/3................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Tables........................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Transactions........................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Daily maintenance............................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.2 ABAP-related......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.3 Backgroundjob-related....................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.4 Generally useful.................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.5 Functional transactions...................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Commands.................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.4 ABAP reports............................................................................................................................................ 3
1.5 Profileparameters............................................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Userids.......................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.6.1 Userids on SAP R/3 level..................................................................................................................... 3
1.6.2 Userids on databaselevel.................................................................................................................... 3
1.6.3 Userids on OS-level.............................................................................................................................. 3
1.6.4 Userid for Supportpackages............................................................................................................... 3
1.6.5 Userid for STMS.................................................................................................................................... 3
1.7 Logfiles........................................................................................................................................................ 3
2 Database............................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 General databaseknowledge...................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 Database-commands............................................................................................................................ 4 SQL Select-statements......................................................................................................................... 4 SQL Alter-statements.......................................................................................................................... 4 SQL Other statements.......................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Oracle........................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 important files....................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.2 OSlevel-commands............................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.3 Brbackup/brrestore.............................................................................................................................. 4
2.3 MS SQL............................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.3.1 Stored procedures................................................................................................................................ 5
2.4 DB 2/400........................................................................................................................................................... 5
3 Operating system......................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 General........................................................................................................................................................ 6
3.1.1 ftp............................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.1.2 General commands............................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 UNIX................................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.2.1 Simple commands................................................................................................................................. 6
3.2.2 A little more complex commands....................................................................................................... 6
3.3 NT..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
4 General issues................................................................................................................................................. 8
4.1 SAP Tools..................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.1 dbmon..................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.2 gwmon..................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.3 R3load.................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.4 R3setup................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.5 R3trans................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.6 sapdba, to be run as ora
4.1.7 saplicense, to be run from the ..\exe\run directory......................................................................... 8
4.1.8 saprouter................................................................................................................................................ 8
4.1.9 tp, to be run from the usr\sap\trans\bin............................................................................................ 8
1 SAP R/3
This document is created to get a comprehensive list of all actions that I have taken during the maintenance of the SAP. This to make sure that I forget as little as possible.
This document can be a good handle for basis consultants who are starting on the job.
1.1 Tables
DBSTATC | status of statistics-information per SAP-table |
E070 | Change-requests and their tasks and properties |
E071 | Objects in change-requests |
KNA1 | Necessary at sapscript-ABAP’s |
MARA | Materiallist |
PAT01, PAT03 | Supportpackages and their status, also see table TEPSIN |
TBATG | Holds runtime-transportinformation (don’t know yet what it exactly holds) |
TBTCO | Batchjobinformation |
TTZZ | Timezones. |
USR01 ~ ...12 | Userdata |
1.2 Transactions
Good advise: don’t learn the transactioncodes by heart at first, but use the menu-paths. This way you will sooner get an overview of the systems possibilities.
1.2.1 Daily maintenance
SM21 | Systemlog |
SM37 | Check the batchjobs |
SM50/51 | Show all processes on one server / all servers |
SM66 | Show all active process on the system |
ST11 | Display developer-traces |
ST22 | ABAP-dumps |
1.2.2 ABAP-related
SE11 | ABAP dictionary |
SE16/SM30 | Data browser/Table editor (3.1x’s SM31 is replaced by SM30) |
SE37 | Function builder |
SE38 | ABAP editor |
SE41 | Menu painter |
SE51 | Screen painter |
1.2.3 Backgroundjob-related
RZ04 | Operation modes |
SM36 | Create background job |
SM37 | Show background jobs |
SM63 | Operation mode calendar |
SM65 | Check backgroundjob-settings |
1.2.4 Generally useful
AL11 | SAP directories |
DB02 | Database performance: Tables and Indexes |
PFCG | Profile generator |
RZ10 | Profile maintenance |
SARA | Archiving |
SCC4 | Client change options |
SE01 | Transport organizer, use SE09 for ABAP-transports, SE10 for customizing transports |
SE06 (4.x up) | System change options, see SCC4 for Client change options. |
SE71 | Maintain Layout-sets also known as sapscripts |
SM02 | System message |
SMGW | Gateway administration |
SMLG | Define logon-groups |
SMLT | Language administration |
SPAM | Support Package Manager |
SPAU | ABAP-dictionary assistant during supportpackage-import |
SPDD | Data-dictionary assistant during supportpackage-import |
STFK | Search the customersystem that have an open connection to Walldorf |
1.2.5 Functional transactions
MM01,2,3 | Create, Modify, Display material data |
PP01,2,3 | Create, Modify, Display productionplant data |
VA01,2,3 | Create, Modify, Display sales order data |
1.3 Commands
/$sync | Synchronise the buffers. ABAP’s on the application servers will be refreshed, so possibly changed. Not recommended on productionsystems in use. |
/h | Turning on the debugging mode |
/n | New command |
/o | New session |
1.4 ABAP reports
RDDIMPDP | Jobtriggerer. Starts the released batchjobs and tp-commands. | |
RDDNEWPP | To schedule RDDIMPDP, run this as DDIC in each targetclient | |
RMMMPERI | Periodclosing for MM. Gives problems regularly. | |
RSCOLL00 | Collector for system- and databasedata. Usually runs every hour. | |
RSDBTIME | Check and repair inconsistencies in the clocks of a system | |
RSEPSUPL | Upload the patches available in /eps/in | 31x |
?RSSUPC?? | Generates the profiles and activitygroups | |
RSPARAM | Shows the parametersettings of a running SAP-instance | |
RSPO1041 | Delete old spoolrequests. This abap used to be RSPO0041 in older releases | |
RSTPTEST | Tests the transporttool | |
RSUSRxxx | User related reports (000 list active users, 002 userby comlex criteria, etc) | |
TOUCHALL | Generate all ABAP’s. Takes about 24 hours! |
1.5 Profileparameters
rdisp/* | gui-parameters |
rdisp/gui_max_wait | maximum time of no response (in 3.x: rdisp/gui_auto_logout) |
1.6 Userids
1.6.1 Userids on SAP R/3 level
SAP* Sapsuperuser, has all authorizations. Its default password is available in the OSS.
DDIC Its default password is available in the OSS.
1.6.2 Userids on databaselevel
SAPR3 User that connect SAP R/3 to the Oracle (or SQL or ..) database
OPS$ Oracle-only. Used to change passwords of OS-level userid’s. see OSS-note 50088
1.6.3 Userids on OS-level
1.6.4 Userid for applying Supportpackages
During applying supportpackages (aka. hotpackages) you need to be logged on to client 000 with a userid other then SAP*, but with the same authorizations.
1.6.5 Userid for configuring and maintaining STMS
During changing the Transport Management System using STMS you need to be logged on as TMSADM in client 000 on the transportdomaincontroller.
1.7 Logfiles
SAP logs almost any action and has a lot of trace-options. Here is a short listing for them:
· systemlog, viewed via transaction SM21, file stored in /work
· developertraces, viewed via ST11 or SM50 and doubleclick the process (as of 4.x), stored in /work
dev_wX log for workproces number X
dev_ms log for workproces for the messageservice
dev_gw log for workproces for the gateway
dev_disp log for workproces for the dispatcher
dev_tp log for workproces for the transports
· startuplog, viewed via ST11
· stderrx, viewed via ST11, 3 or 4 files, hold more errorstatements
· trans.log, viewed via AL11, DIR_TRANS, transportlogfile
1.8 Traces
Tracefiles are very useful when analysing a problem.
· ST05 (System, Utilities, Performance trace) allows you to set a trace per user, transaction, program or process-id.
· SM50. Here you see the processes. Per proces you can see it’s corresponding tracefile via button ‘Show file’. The default trace-level is 1. You can change the tracelevel via Process, Trace, Dispatcher, Change tracelevel (of all processes, not per process).
2 Database
2.1 General databaseknowledge
Logging on to the database is done via:
· Log on as ora
· UNIX: svrmgrl (in Oracle 7.* this used to be ‘sqlplus’)
· NT: sqldba72 (or svrmgr23, svrmgr30)
· connect internal
2.1.1 Database-commands SQL Select-statements
Select * from | useful fields | what does it do? |
dba_roles; | | |
dba_tables | where tablespace_name= ’SYSTEM’ and owner=’SYS’; | shows all systemtables |
sys.dba_role_privs; | where grantee like ‘OPS$’; | show the roles of the OPS$-user, should be: CONNECT, RESOURCE and SAPDBA. |
v$backup | | shows which files are in backup mode |
v$datafile; | | to verify the correct execution |
v$datafile | where status not in ('SYSTEM','ONLINE') | should be empty if SAP is online |
v$dba_rollback_segs | | Data of all rollback segments |
v$log; | | shows all logfiles (4) and which is active |
v$logfile; | | shows all physical logfiles (mirrored, so: 8) |
v$nls_parameters | where parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET'; | returns the characterset with which the database is installed |
v$recover_file; | | should be empty if SAP is online |
v$rollname | | Name and number of all ONLINE rollback segments |
v$rollstat | | Number, status, optimal size, diff. capacity sizes etc. of all ONLINE rollback segments | SQL Alter-statements
alter database open;
?alter database rename file '
alter system switch logfile; (4 times to perform four logswitches)
alter tablespace SQL Other statements
analyze table
drop tablename from ??; deletes the table from the database.
exit; logging out
grant user1 to user2; copies the rights of user1 to user2
saposcol –v show the version of saposcol
2.2 Oracle
2.2.1 important files
2.2.2 OSlevel-commands
exit logging out
lsnrctl start start the oracle listener
lsnrctl status shows the status of the listener
smit (or smitty) characterbased menu for handling of filesystems, logical volumes, drives etc.
2.2.3 Brbackup/brrestore
BRRESTORE –m file01/dir01 .. filen/dirn restore the backup and places the files in the given directories instead of the original directories
2.3 MS SQL
Logging on to the database is done via:
· Log on as
· svrmgr30 or svrmgr (as of oracle 8.0)
· connect internal
checkdb to be added (or see microsoft/sql/ knowledgebase)
2.3.1 Services
SAP-Services that needs to be running on OS-level
· SAPoscol
2.3.2 Stored procedures
sp_helpsort | show the SQL-server’s sortorder and characterset (thus the codepage) |
2.4 DB 2/400
enddbmon | stop the databasecollector-program when it is running |
3 Operating system
3.1 General
3.1.1 ftp
bin | set transferring files to binary (as opposed to ascii) |
get | download a file (mget doe not work on SAPSERVx) |
ls –l | list directory, -l to show filedetails |
put | upload a file (mput does not work on SAPSERVx) |
pwd | show current path |
3.1.2 General commands
startsap r3 | Start SAP from the commandprompt |
stopsap | Stop SAP from the commandprompt |
tp connect | Tests if you can connect to the database of the system (start in usr/sap/trans) |
r3trans –d –v | Tests if you can connect to the database |
r3trans –l filename | Checks if the file is consistent and correct and can be imported |
3.2 UNIX
3.2.1 Simple commands
chgrp grp filelist | Change the group that the file(s) belong to. |
chmod 777 filelist | Change the rights of the file(s). 777: owner-world-user. 7: read-write-delete (=111) |
chown user filelist | Change the owner of the file(s) |
cp file1 file2 | Copy file1 to file2 |
cp /dev/null file | Clear all contents of file |
errpt | Hardware error-report (IBM-unix) |
ls –ltr | Show filelist, –parameters: l: show fileattributes , t: sort by time, r: reverse sortorder |
more | |
mv file1 file2 | Move command |
ps –ef | Show all running processes, -e, -f |
vi | The famous vi-editor |
3.2.2 A little more complex commands
kill | Kill a process as if it is cancelled. Child processes are killed as well. |
kill –1 | Kill a process as if the user is logging out. Child processes are killed as well. |
kill –9 | Kill a process as brutal as possible. Child-processes are not touched. |
kill –USR2 | Increases TRACE by 1 |
kill –USR1 | Decreases TRACE by 1. When TRACE = 0 all open trace files are closed and can be cleared using ‘cp /dev/null filename’. |
lslv | Show the logical volumes |
lsvg | Show the volumegroups |
sappfpar check pf= | Checks the profileparameter. Do they exist and do they have correct values. |
set VAR VAL | set environment variable VAR to value VAL |
printenv | prints the environementvariables |
ps –ef |grep xxx | Monitor processes with name containing xxx |
ps –u | Monitor processes run by user |
To schedule tasks you have to edit file crontab. Every line starts with five numbers and then a command. The numbers stand for minute, hour, day-of-month, month-of-year, day of week (0 for sunday).
The easiest way to edit the crontab file with a text-editor.
Detailed UNIX-commandlist
To get detailed information about every UNIX-command available and lots of articles, see site
3.3 NT
at | Schedule anything. |
hostname | Shows the hostname |
ipconfig /all | Show all ip-addresses of the system |
ipcs –m | Show all IPC-processes |
ipcrm –m | Kill ipc-process |
regedit / regedt32 | Edit the registry. (for instance HKLM, software, SAP) |
sapntchk | Checks the system, its ip-adresses, running processes etc. |
ntenv2reg | Copy the environmentsettings to the registry to secure them |
ntreg2env | Copy the registry to the environmentsettings |
4 General issues
4.1 SAP Tools
4.1.1 dpmon
This tool allows you to check SAP’s processes and to find out which one is killing the performance. Especially useful when it is not possible anymore to log on to your system.
(Oracle: use
dpmon | Start dpmon, type m for the menu |
4.1.2 gwmon
This tool allows you to check if the gateway is running. It is an addition to transaction SMGW.
4.1.3 R3load
R3load is used to:
- import/export databases
4.1.4 R3setup
R3setup is used to:
- install SAP-databases
- import exported databases into existing databases
4.1.5 R3trans
R3trans is used to:
- test databaseconnections
- import the transports
r3trans –d-v | Tests the connection to the database |
r3trans –l | Tests if the datafileis corrupt or not |
4.1.6 sapdba, to be run as ora
Sapdba is run to collect the data for the optimizer. This is done in two steps: First ‘SAPDBA –checkopt PSAP%’ checks which optimizerdata needs to be updated, then ‘SAPDBA –analyze DBSTATCO’ gathers the data of the objects to be updated.
sapdba –analyze DBSTATCO | Gathers the optimizerdata that needs to be updated |
sapdba –check | Checks the objects that you specify with its parameters |
sapdba –checkopt PSAP% | Checks which optimizerdata needs to be updated |
Does all of the above in one run. See note 184513 |
4.1.7 saplicense, to be run from the ..\exe\run directory
saplicense –test pf=../../profile/default.pfl | Tests if the license is still valid |
saplicense –get | Gets the customer key (aka hardwarekey) need for the license |
saplicense –install | To install the licensekey received from SAP |
saplicense –show | Shows the current license |
Request the license for the system by sending the fax included in the installation-kit to SAP.
4.1.8 saprouter
saprouter –r –R | Start the saprouter. |
Table saprouttab | p * * *(Permit/Deny, From-ip, To-ip, Service) |
4.1.9 tp, to be run from the usr\sap\trans\bin
As of version 4.0 there is no more need for us to go down to the os-level. Everything can be done with transaction STMS. Nevertheless the tp-commands are still be useful and needed in some cases (yet). for detailed information on tp-command, see OSS-note 309711.
tp connect | Tests the connection to |
tp locksys | Lock the SAP-system for all users except SAP* |
tp unlocksys | Unlock the SAP-system, giving access to all users |
tp showbuffer | Show the buffer |
tp addtobuffer | Add the changerequest to the buffer. possible par.: u1 |
tp delfrombuffer | Delete the changerequest from the buffer |
tp import | Importcommand, parameter u: |
The returncodes for tp import command:
4 Warning
8 Error.
12/14/16 Fatal error
152 Nothing done
>1000 Returncode with extra information, but only the last three digits are relevant
The file TP_
filesplit=yes|true|on | Export will be split into files of size 2147483647 (2GB-1). Useful for OS’s that can not handle files larger then 2GB. |
tnx to erpgenie...
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